The Meeting Circle
Thimali engages in a little self-care with her friend, climate essayist and co-host of Hot Take podcast, Mary Annaïse Heglar. Strolling through a New York City forest, they share good and bad experiences being of color in nature, but have a chance encounter that helps them connect back to the land..

Mary Annaïse Heglar
Writer, co-host & co-founder of the Hot Take podcast
New York, U.S.A
Mary Annaïse Heglar is a climate writer, communications professional and the co-founder and co-host of the Hot Take newsletter and podcast which dissects the way the climate crisis is portrayed in the media. Her writing is known for exploring the emotionality and intersectionality of the climate crisis. Her work has been published in WIRED, The Boston Globe, HuffPost, Rolling Stone, and Vox, among other places.
Support Mary
By subscribing to the Hot Take Podcast and newsletter.
Follow Mary:
Twitter: @MaryHeglar
Instagram: @mary.heglar
Support the organisations mentioned in this Minisode!
Unlikely Hikers is a diverse, anti-racist, body-liberating outdoor community featuring the underrepresented outdoorsperson. We’re an Instagram community, a nationwide hiking group and a podcast!
New Yorkers for Parks is a non-profit organization championing quality open space for all New Yorkers. NY4P drives both immediate actions and long-term policies that protect and enhance the city’s vast network of parks, ensure adequate and equitable distribution of open space resources to all neighborhoods, and inform and empower communities throughout New York City to advocate for their open space needs.
We Act for Environmental Justice is an active participant in the national Environmental Justice Movement. WE ACT’s mission is to build healthy communities by ensuring that people of color and/or low income residents participate meaningfully in the creation of sound and fair environmental health and protection policies and practices.
Thanks to Gabriel Cummings, the Citywide Trails Projects Coordinator at The Natural Areas Conservancy for their advice on organisations we can all get behind and support! The Natural Areas Conservancy is a champion of NYC’s 20,000 acres of forests and wetlands for the benefit and enjoyment of all.
Episode Credits
Mothers of Invention is brought to you by Vulcan Productions and Doc Society.
Executive producers: Jody Allen, Ruth Johnston, Matt Milios as well as Jess Search & Beadie Finzi.
For Doc Society:
Series producer: Thimali Kodikara
Line Producer: Rebecca Lucy Mills
Minisode Producer: Lauren Carter Armstrong
Minisode Editor: Alexis Adimora
Sound Designer: Sami El-Enany
Field Producer: Reva Goldberg
Social Media Manager: Imriel Morgan for Content Is Queen
Project Coordinator: Aisha Younis
Theme Tune composed by Jamie Perera
For Vulcan Productions:
Associate Producers: Andrea Dramer and Susan Grella
Production Manager: Kimberly Nyhous
Senior Director for Strategy, Engagement and Impact: Ted Richane
Impact Producer: Alex Pearson
We are very proudly distributed by PRX.