Two Grow Wild in the City

Two Grow Wild in the City
Does a patch of bare earth on the sidewalk make you want to weep? Do you do a sad face when you see a big grey space in the town centre where a tall green tree should be? Well this episode is for you. Maeve is on (another) mission - this time to green up her home, and not just for cleaner air but for climate and racial justice too. But how easy is that in New York City? And what can all of us do, no matter where we are, to make it happen? Maeve attempts to plant her very own tree on the street and Thimali meets the amazing urban gardener Ena K. McPherson.

Ena K.McPherson
Founder and Lead Gardener of Tranquility Farm - An Urban Oasis & Feeding Tree Garden. Lead Gardener at T&T Vernon Gardens
Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A
Described as “Mother Earth” by the New York Daily Times, Ena K. McPherson is a retired financial assistant that has founded two Community Garden’s (Tranquility Farm - An Urban Oasis & Feeding Tree Garden) in Bedford-Stuyvesant. Ena also leads both of these Community Gardens as well as the T&T Vernon Gardens.
These Community Gardens are host to many ornamental plants, fruit trees, berries, vegetables, neighborly bees and much more! They provide valuable access to community green space and food.
Ena is a Gardener at heart and always will be. Her aspiration and focus is to bring to her local community the enduring ethic of horticultural pursuits, how it contributes to our well being, our health, and the great value it can and does bestow on our environment.
Aside from leading and enriching Bed-Stuy Community Gardens, Ena serves on the Parks Arts & Culture Committee as a Community Garden Advocate as well serving on the Brooklyn Community Board 3.
Support Ena
by getting people behind you and start planting. Ena says “It is best to have a community behind you, to start talking to people. You’ll see that you share so much”.
Stay up to date with Ena's work on social media:
Find her on Instagram: @enak.mcpherson
Find her on Twitter: @ena_mcpherson
Episode Credits
Mothers of Invention is brought to you by Vulcan Productions and Doc Society.
Executive producers: Jody Allen, Ruth Johnston, Matt Milios as well as Jess Search & Beadie Finzi.
For Doc Society:
Series producer: Thimali Kodikara
Minisode Producer: India Rakusen
Line producer: Rebecca Lucy Mills
Sound designer: Axel Kacoutié
Audio Engineer: Lisa Hack
Social Media Manager: Imriel Morgan for Content Is Queen
Project Coordinator: Aisha Younis
Theme Tune composed by Jamie Perera
Special thanks to our NYC Field Producer Reva Goldberg.
For Vulcan Productions:
Associate Producers: Andrea Dramer and Susan Grella
Production Manager: Kimberly Nyhous
Senior Director for Strategy, Engagement and Impact: Ted Richane
Impact Producer: Alex Pearson
We are very proudly distributed by PRX.