We May Be Small But Our Impact Is Huge

The climate crisis has made our young people a marginalized group. But the youth climate movement is being led by no ordinary generation. They are passionate, educated and organized. In our season finale, six days before the US election, Mary, Maeve & Thimali recognize the importance of these critical perspectives from global North and global South youth. In an unprecedented episode, we learn about their hopes, their fears, their ambitions, and their strategies and visions for the future.

Xiye Bastida
Indigenous activist, Coordinator and Co-founder at Re-Earth Initiative
New York, U.S.A
Xiye Bastida is an 18 year old climate justice activist born and raised in Mexico as part of the Otomi-Toltec indigenous peoples. Xiye is currently a student at the University of Pennsylvania. She is studying Environmental Studies with a concentration on Policy and International Relations and is based in New York City.
In 2018, she was invited to the 9th United Nations World Urban Forum to speak about indigenous cosmology where she subsequently received the “Spirit of the UN” award. As one of the leading organisers of the Fridays For Future youth climate strike movement, Xiye mobilised over 600 students in the March 2019 strikes and continues to take a citywide leadership role in organizing climate strikes and speaking out about climate justice issues in rallies and town halls.
Support Xiye
By watching and sharing her TED Talk and discussion with Jane Fonda here and taking action for the planet by joining the Fridays For Future movement and here.
As well as joining Re-Earth Initiative’s fight for climate justice and reading about their work to create a sustainable future for all here.
Follow Xiye
Twitter: @xiyebastida
Instagram: @xiyebeara
Learn more about Xiye
By listening to her TED radio hour episode on Stubborn Optimism here.

Pooja Reddy
Comedian and co-host of the PBS show, Kutti Gang
Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A
Brooklyn based Pooja Reddy is an Intersectional Feminist Comedian who advocates for social justice. She co-hosts Kutti Gang, a live South Asian comedy show featuring Womxn, LGBTQ, & GNC performers. Kutti Gang recently premiered as a comedy special on PBS' All Arts. Before focusing on her comedy career, Pooja interned in the White House at the Office of the First Lady, Michelle Obama, and worked as an Associate at the United Nations Foundation. Her time at the UN Foundation raised her awareness about the Sustainable Development Goals and the importance of climate justice.
Support Pooja
By staying up to date on her news and calls to action on Instagram and Twitter.
Follow Pooja
Twitter: @areyoureddy
Instagram: @pooreddy
Learn more about Pooja:
Watch this video collaboration with Kutti Gang and Chhaya CDC. It encourages the South Asian and Indo-Caribbean community of New York to get counted on The United States Census 2020.
Watch this recap of her Stand Up Show, Kutti Gang.

Brianna Fruean
Activist and Co-founder of 350.org Samoa
Auckland, New Zealand
Brianna is a 22 year old youth climate activist from the Pacific Island nation of Samoa. She has been involved in climate activism for over a decade. Brianna is a student at the University of Auckland in New Zealand, studying Politics & International Relations and is also one of the founding members of 350 Samoa and a member of Pacific Climate Warrior.
Brianna sits on the Council of Elders for the Pacific Climate Warriors as the youth representative and continues her efforts to bring young Pacific voices into the climate activism space.
Support Brianna
By checking out 350Pacific.org and follow Brianna’s calls to action on social media.
Follow Brianna
Twitter: @brianna_fruean
Instagram: @briannafruean
Follow 350 Pacific:
Twitter: @350Pacific
Learn more about Brianna:
By reading this article on Brianna's work.

Jamie Margolin
Co-founder of Zero Hour, Author and Student at New York University, Majoring in Film and Television
New York City, U.S.A
Jamie is a co-founder of Zero Hour, one of the first youth climate organizations formed in the United States that has led marches in Washington, DC and 25+ cities around the world.
She is also a plaintiff on the Our Children's Trust Youth v. Gov Washington state lawsuit, Aji P. vs. State of Washington, suing the state of Washington for denying her generation their constitutional rights to a liveable environment by worsening the climate crisis. In September of 2019, Jamie testified before the US Congress alongside fellow youth activist Greta Thunberg, holding her leaders accountable to taking urgent climate action.
Today, Jamie is a freshman at New York University, and has recently authored Youth To Power - Your Voice and How to Use It.
Support Jamie
By purchasing her new book here - sharing it on social media and joining the Zero Hour movement!
Follow Jamie
Twitter: @Jamie_Margolin
Instagram: @jamie_s_margolin
Facebook: @JamieSaraiMargolin
Learn more about Jamie:
By watching her Ted Talk here.
And reading her interviews with Dazed, Rolling Stone and NYT.
Episode Credits
Mothers of Invention is brought to you by Vulcan Productions and Doc Society.
Executive producers: Jody Allen, Ruth Johnston, Matt Milios as well as Jess Search & Beadie Finzi.
For Doc Society:
Series Producer: Thimali Kodikara
Development Producer and Studio Director: Shanida Scotland
Line Producer: Rebecca Lucy Mills
Editor: Sefa Nkyi
Sound Designer: Sami El-Enany
Audio Engineer: Lisa Hack
Social Media Manager: Imriel Morgan for Content Is Queen
Project Coordinator: Aisha Younis
Theme Tune composed by Jamie Perera
Special thanks to Co-Producer: Xiye Bastida
For Vulcan Productions:
Associate Producers: Andrea Dramer and Susan Grella
Production Manager: Kimberly Nyhous
Senior Director for Strategy, Engagement and Impact: Ted Richane
Impact Producer: Alex Pearson
We are very proudly distributed by PRX.