The show has moved to New York City where Mary & Maeve are inviting an expert to co-host with them in the studio every week. They get a closer look at how new feminist leaders in U.S. politics are influencing climate justice, while continuing to unearth stories of ingenuity across the Global South. This season, they follow the progress of major cities as mayors adopt the responsibilities of presidents; explore how climate justice movements are influenced by faith; learn about the impact of climate change on migration patterns, indigenous resilience in the Arctic Circle, fashion and more.

Alexandria Villasenor
13 year old activist, organiser and school striker making her voice heard at the gates of the United Nations
New York City, U.S.A.
Alexandria is a middle-school student living in New York. While on vacation in Davis, California where her family hails from, their home was struck by the Paradise wildfires in November 2018. One month later, Swedish school striker, Greta Thunberg, spoke passionately about the climate crisis at the COP24 in Katowice, Poland. Greta’s speech inspired Alexandria to use her new proximity to the United Nations Headquarters to leave school every Friday and strike outside the building until she is heard.
In collaboration with Zero Hour NYC, Alexandria organised her first nationwide school strike and rally scheduled to take place in New York City on March 15th 2019. Alexandria’s efforts are contributing to a movement of thousands of students worldwide striking for climate justice.
Support Alexandria
Stay up to date on Alexandria's news and calls to action on Twitter, follow her strike outside UNHQ on Instagram, and march with her at the Global Climate Strike on March 15, 2019.
Follow Alexandria on Twitter and Instagram
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/AlexandriaV2005/

Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim
A pioneering leader in indigenous rights, seeking justice for women and girls left behind by climate migration.
Mbororo community, Chad
Hindou is a member of the nomadic Peul Mbororo pastoralist community in Chad, whose subsistence lifestyle has been challenged by the effects of climate change. Her work seeks justice for indigenous communities, and in particular, women and children left behind by men migrating away from home to support their families.
In 1999, at age 15, Hindou founded the Association of Indigenous Peul Women and Peoples of Chad (AFPAT), a community-led organization promoting the rights of girls and women in the Mbororo community, with a strong focus on inspiring leadership and advocacy in environmental protection.
She is a member of the executive committee of the Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating Committee (IPACC), co-chair of the Pan-African Alliance Climate Justice (PACJA), and co-chair of the International Indigenous Peoples’ Forum on Climate Change whom she represents at the UN to counter desertification in the Congo Basin.
At only 32 years old, Hindou made headlines when she was selected from over 200 applicants by Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon to act as Civil Society Representative for the High-level Signature Ceremony which marked the Paris Agreement at COP21.
Support Hindou
By listening to her speak on indigenous rights, following the work of her organisation AFPAT and other indigenous groups all over the world working hard to fight for their lives and livelihoods in the plight against climate change.

Pauline Dube
Co-Author of the UN IPCC Special Report 1.5- research proving that together we can place a cap on climate change within twelve years.
Gaborone, Botswana
Pauline is Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental Science at the University of Botswana. In 2007, she received a Nobel Peace Prize award certificate as a contributor to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a United Nations body created to assess the science related to climate change.
As a member of IPCC, Pauline co-authored Special Report 1.5 which projects the impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels on the Earth. The report was brought to COP24 in November 2018, but was not heard at the conference as the U.S., Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait objected to the meeting "welcoming" the report. The report outlines that we have a little over ten years to control climate change, but it is still possible.
Support Pauline
By reading the Special Report 1.5 and spreading the word.
Stay up-to-date on her most recent research as co-Editor-in-Chief of environmental science journal, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability.
Wow. It’s barely been been four months since Season One ended but global climate justice warriors haven’t stopped stacking up the headlines! The 2018 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 24) was held in Katowice, Poland in October, and at the centre of it all was 15 year old Greta Thunberg, a climate activist from Sweden who gave a speech that could define a mic drop. Climate change may have made young people a marginalized group, but they don’t accept it. They lit the wick of a youth movement that we’ve never seen before in history, and there’s no turning back.
Episode notes: We recap the last four months in climate justice; dig into the rise of school strikes around the world, learn about the IPCC Special Report 1.5 direct from one of its authors, and hear how to convince a room full of heels and suits that the most intuitive climate innovation around has been passed down through indigenous communities for generations.